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International Piano Archives at Maryland

Handwritten piano score

The International Piano Archives at Maryland (IPAM) is a unique resource for the study, appreciation, and preservation of the classical piano repertoire and its performance. IPAM's collections comprise the world's most extensive concentration of piano recordings, books, scores, programs and related materials, including the archival papers of many great keyboard artists.

Collection Strengths


IPAM houses an estimated 96% of all commercial piano recordings ever issued. Web access to our various recording catalogues is forthcoming. For additional information, contact the curator. 


IPAM holds over 25,000 scores, including diverse editions of standard repertoire as well as out-of-print editions of works by lesser-known composers. Web access to our score data base is forthcoming. For additional information, contact the curator. 

Archives of Pianists

IPAM houses over 100 substantial archival collections of pianists, including concert programs, correspondence, photographs, recordings in all formats, manuscripts, diaries, scores, scrapbooks, and more. In addition to these, IPAM contains significant files on the careers of hundreds of other pianists outside of those represented through the collections.

Explore our collections below, or view IPAMs other offerings on our resources page. 

Digital Exhibits

Piano Traditions Through Their Genealogies, a digital exhibit by Daniel Pereira, is a valuable resource exploring the pedagogical lineage of various pianistic traditions. The exhibit includes dozens of genealogies, representing the traditions of individual pianists—such as the Frédéric Chopin and the Heinrich Neuhaus traditions—as well as national and regional schools of playing, like the Russian and the English schools of pianism. Thousands of pianists are included within the genealogy trees and corresponding biographies.  

Research Guides


This material is non-circulating and only accessible in the IPAM Workroom in the Michelle Smith Performing Arts Library. Please contact us for additional information and to inquire about an appointment. 

Contact Us

Portrait of Donald Manildi

Donald Manildi

IPAM Curator (Librarian II)
Portrait of Maxwell Brown

Maxwell Brown

Manager, IPAM

8115 Alumni Dr, College Park, MD 20740
301-405-9224 | Contact IPAM
UMD Parking | Visitor Parking

Week of Sunday, March 23

Monday, March 24 10am-3pm, Appointment Recommended
Tuesday, March 25 10am-3pm, Appointment Recommended
Wednesday, March 26 10am-3pm, Appointment Recommended
Thursday, March 27 10am-3pm, Appointment Recommended
Friday, March 28 By Appointment Only
Saturday, March 29 Closed

Support IPAM, Special Collections, and University Archives by contributing to one of our unique gift funds or contributing materials. 

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