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Plan ahead for ILL and course reserve system maintenance.
ILL and course reserve systems will be unavailable for periods of time between March 18-24. Check the Systems Status page for the latest updates. Learn more.

Postings in University Libraries Facilities

For the purposes of this policy, the definition of posting is: “the placement of announcements, statements, posters, signs, flyers, or other written materials on bulletin boards, kiosks, or other surfaces within campus indoor and outdoor spaces, intended for public viewing." 

Posting in UMD Libraries’ facilities is reserved for use by the Libraries and campus units housed within a library. Posting of other signs and notices (including advertisements, images, handbills, posters, and flyers) in library spaces is strictly prohibited, with the exception of postings on designated bulletin boards labeled as “UMD Community Announcements” that follow the parameters described below. 

All prohibited postings will be removed in accordance with this policy and the University Policy and Procedures for the Use of Facilities and Outdoor Spaces, namely Appendix A.VIII of Policy VI-4.10(A): Additional Rules for the Posting of Written Materials on Campus.

Use of designated "UMD Community Announcement" bulletin boards 

UMD departments and groups recognized by the University of Maryland administration and/or Student Government Association (SGA) may post event and activity announcements on bulletin boards in library facilities that are designated for use by the UMD community. The designated bulletin boards are located near the main entrance of most campus libraries.

All postings must include the name(s) of the sponsoring group, date and time of the event, location, and title of the event/program, as well as contact information for the sponsoring department or group. Due to limited space, please do not post more than one copy on each bulletin board and limit the size of signs to no larger than 8.5” x 11”. The Libraries will remove any signs or notices that do not meet these criteria or that advertise events or activities that have passed. The bulletin boards are cleared monthly, but may be cleared more often, if needed. Signs posted on these bulletin boards do not imply University Libraries’ endorsement or support.

Digital signage

Digital signage on the Libraries’ TV info screens and desktop monitor screensavers is reserved for library messaging and select campus initiatives.

Scheduling of digital signage is managed by the Libraries Strategic Communications and Outreach Team (SCOT). Campus departments may share their promotional graphics with SCOT at and will be considered for inclusion in the rotation of graphics based on volume of graphics in rotation and alignment with the Libraries’ mission, values, and strategic priorities.

Distributing print publications

Print publications issued by UMD departments and groups recognized by the University of Maryland administration or SGA may be distributed at the entrances of library buildings, but other types of publications are prohibited. The Libraries reserves the right to remove any publication that does not meet this criteria. Issues of publications over one week old will be removed regardless of when the new issues have arrived. Daily publications will be removed the next day.

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